Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week 7

So its already almost more then half way through my first quarter at SCU.So far I have experienced both ups and downs as far as my transistion from a jr college with a semester style to a private university with the quaters.I am not to sure if I enjoy the pace of the classes I feel they are rushed and compacted in such litte time. I sort of enjoy learning and taking tme with subjects I m interested in . However,I was told by other SCU students I will learn to adjust and begin to enjoy how fast classes we will see....

The next aspect I have experienced how helpful the staff and professors are with their students. I have had so many questions and concerns as far as my educational performance and admission/aid help,and I have  always seem to find someone willing to help.

All in all I feel I look forward to continue my journey and accomplishing my first quarter at SCU.

Any one have any tips on being sucessfull at SCU???